- Based on an assessment of local demand, products will be posted on this site at regular intervals. Each product will have an associated buying date.
- Members are able to click products available, and submit their order.
- At this stage, in most cases, their order will not be priced as we have to negotiate price based on the size of the consolidated order.
- When the buying date is reached, the buying group coordinator will approach appropriate suppliers to negotiate the best deal.
- Members will then be notified via this site and email newsletter as to price, delivery time and supplier.
- At this stage members are able, for a limited period to cancel their order if they are unhappy with the price or supplier.
- The consolidated order, together with member's address details (excluding email address) is then passed over to the selected supplier.
- The supplier will then inform us as to how payment will be made. In most cases the supplier will expect members to phone their order office to pay over the phone. In some cases the supplier will phone the members directly to organise payment, or deliver first and invoice after.
- Members will be made fully aware via this site as to how payment is to be collected.